Live Blog Stats now available on myScoop

Another Friday night gone by, but an another amazing feature has been included into myScoop. Live Blog Stats! Once you sign in to myScoop you will see a list of your blogs on in the centre of the screen each with their monthly rank and daily rank (this is also a new feature, in case you missed it!). Once there, click on the “(Live Stats) link next to that and a popup window will open showing your Pageviews per minute for the last 30 minutes.

myScoop LogoAnother Friday night gone by, but an another amazing feature has been included into myScoop. Live Blog Stats! Once you sign in to myScoop you will see a list of your blogs on in the centre of the screen each with their monthly rank and daily rank (this is also a new feature, in case you missed it!). Once there, click on the “(Live Stats) link next to that and a popup window will open showing your Pageviews per minute for the last 30 minutes. This popup window automatically refreshes every 10 seconds. This is incredibly useful for when you post an article and would like to see how many people are actually coming to your site to read it.

myScoop Live Blog Stats
myScoop Live Blog Stats

myScoop: Updates 20-11-09

I spent a few hours last night making a few changes to myScoop. Yeah I know last night was a Friday night but sometimes sacrifices need to be made in order to grow.

I spent a few hours last night making a few changes to myScoop. Yeah I know last night was a Friday night but sometimes sacrifices need to be made in order to grow.

Auto-Tweeting new articles
Once a new article has been fetched, a shortened URI will be assigned to the article and the script will now automatically send the Title (shortened to 90 characters) and the shortened URI which redirects straight to your article. This method is similar to the Bookmarking section which sends the title, shortened URI and the first tag in a hash tagged format.

mySccop posting to Twitter
myScoop => Twitter

Blog Stats (Graph)
Each user that submits their blog to myScoop and uses the tracking code associated with that blog has the ability to track unique visitors. This is a LIVE measurement and shows unique visitors per day for the past week. See below.

myScoop Blog Stats
myScoop Blog Stats

Other minor changes
I have added the category drop down list to the page where users submit new blogs to myScoop.

As new features get added, so do new bugs. Please let me know if you find any either by emailing me or simply posting a comment to this article. Thanks again for all your feedback, it is much appreciated.

myScoop – from concept to current and beyond

Every now and again I get this sudden urge to develop something that’s beyond my reach. Enter myScoop, my latest “lets-see-if-I-can-do-it” project. myScoop is essentially a combination of most of my PHP skills that I have learnt in the passed few months and when I started with the site it was originally supposed to be a social bookmarking tool, similar to that of Muti. I’m not 100% sure of when the focus shifted to blog aggregation. Either way, I’m pretty happy of the result.

myScoop Logo

Every now and again I get this sudden urge to develop something that’s beyond my reach. Enter myScoop, my latest “lets-see-if-I-can-do-it” project. myScoop is essentially a combination of most of my PHP skills that I have learnt in the passed few months and when I started with the site it was originally supposed to be a social bookmarking tool, similar to that of Muti. I’m not 100% sure of when the focus shifted to blog aggregation. Either way, I’m pretty happy of the result.

The first stage was nothing too advanced. I wanted users to be able to submit their favourite bookmarks and let my site crawl that page, retrieve the title tag and then retrieve the first paragraph of the blog/page. The user would then simply just select a category and throw in a couple of tags and press submit. The concept was easy enough and worked perfectly. myScoop would automatically assign you a shortened URL and go on to post that URL, Title, shortened description and the first tag to Twitter. Soon after that I got another bee in my bonnet and decided each submission needed its own stats page whereby a user can view how many hits it had received in the passed 30 minutes or hits per hour for the current day.

About a week later I launched the blog aggregation side of the site with the ability to add your own blog and follow other blogs. Again, the concept is simple enough; you would submit your blog address and the blog RSS feed location, and the site would crawl your RSS feed and fetch your article information. During this stage the site underwent a bit of a face lift with the help of Bonita who created the amazing myScoop logo and some great ideas from Bryan.

There are currently 2 articles discussing myScoop in fair detail:

There will be many more changes and upgrades to myScoop in the coming months. The only way myScoop is going to succeed is if it has functionality that is easy to use and understand. The only way I can get this accomplished is with the help of YOU. So im asking everyone that uses myScoop for all your ideas, comments and suggestions. Thanks for the support!